Clear, Calm & Conscious Living

Transformative Coaching for body, mind & soul

Hi I'm Dorte

Ready to start living the life of your dreams?

I can help you:

  • Create more confidence, clarity and calm so you can navigate life with greater ease.
  • Step into your authentic power so you can follow your dreams fearlessly.
  • Unlock your creativity for more joyful and inspired living.

A fabulous intuitive coach... I highly recommend Dorte - she radiates love, compassion and joy

Julie, Australia

Applicable advice, refreshing, hopeful and life changing if you let it be

Tina, Pennsylvania, USA

The way she is able to connect feels medicinal... I look forward to every session

Erica, Colorado, USA

Ways to work with me

Intuitive Guidance &
Soul-Led Coaching

Mindfulness, Meditation &
Mindset Coaching

Who is Dorte

Dorte is an internationally certified coach specializing in mindset and soul-led coaching, trained in various modalities including meditation, mindfulness, NLP, energy healing and more.

She is also a speaker, author, intuitive, dancer, and mother.

She works worldwide with people wanting to step into their power and create the life of their dreams. She teams her unique knowledge of Nordic Living Traditions with Ancient Wisdom to offer a practical yet magical way to empower her clients. Having transformed herself from shining on stage to sharing her light in a more meaningful way, she is walking the walk as well as the talk.

Dorte has a genuine and natural gift that come through straight from the start and I'm very grateful to have her help me on my journey

Maggie, London, UK

I loved the heart sense mediation which resonated completely with me.Thank you so much for your coaching!

Julie, Australia

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Midsummer Magic

Midsummer Magic

The Summer Solstice is celebrated on the 21st of June for anyone living in the Northern Hemisphere. It's the longest day of the year and in Scandinavia, this is celebrated as Sankte Hans (in Norway and Denmark) on the 23rd of June and Midsummer in Sweden, on a...

Connecting Body, Mind & Soul

Connecting Body, Mind & Soul

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I've spent two decades working on being present and mindful and it only took Dorte three magical words to make it hit home for me. Thank you!

Tina, Pennsylvania, USA

I loved the heart sense mediation which resonated completely with me.Thank you so much for your coaching!

Julie, Australia

Nordic Living Traditions - the key to happiness?

Year after the year the Scandinavian countries top the United Nations Happiness Report. They may have invented Hygge, a feeling of contentment and wellbeing, but it’s really the mindset behind it that is key…